Summary of site. Title of the song. Naive expression of love.
¥ = especially tasty link
¥ BBC - news for humans
BBC Mundo - news for Spanish humans
Core77 - industrial design blog/news
Couchsurfing - people from all over the world, with couches and hey
¥ Craigslist - for buying, selling, burning, pillaging
¥ Pandora - free custom-made steaming radio stations
Fark - news for the easily amused
meebo - a graphical chat client in a browser
The Onion - America's finest news source
¥ Slashdot - news for nerds
¥ Wikipedia - enclycopedia written by the masses
My Yahoo - useful for tracking cheapest plane fares
Boriss' Friends on Livejournal - recent entries in one page
Reality TV Show Generator - from the Child of TV [~] himself - lounge depravity, real-time
Frenchfry440's Xanga - ramblings from one genetically similar
¥ Letter to America - Jett's podcast from the heart of Belfast
Master Ninja - Chuck's low-brow humor of questionable taste
Morrow Games - Jack's collection of Flash games
Polymorphic Penguin - pfriedma's territory on teh intarwebs
The Power of Dreams - the blog of Dan, a jolly communist
Zombie Squad - they make dead things deader
1001 Free Fonts - just for Mac
ColorMatch 5K - choose a color and generate a palette
ColorMatch 2 - another palette generation, colors
Free Online Language Courses - study or reference
Image Mouseover Effects - shakes, spotlighting, etc
Photoshop Effects 1 - shiny orbs, ancient map, grunge
Photoshop Effects 2 - freeform interface, shinies
Photoshop Effects 3 - interface orbs, spikey balls, freeze
Photoshop Effects 4 - plastic, chrome, interface buttons
The Best of British - an American's guide to speaking British
Timezone Check - including daylight savings
Seat Guru - a thorough guide to seats on commercial planes
Special Characters in HTML - réãïíy ü§ê£µîì
Sun Developer Network - resource for Java schtuff
VMware - for all your virtualization needs
Aaron Jasinski - artist & illustrator, skillful use of color
Adi Granov - spacey airbrushed character design
agent44 - art of cartoonist Jack Parker
¥ cool hunter - roaming the globe for Cool
¥ Boring 3D - distinctive light, fuzzy 3d gallery
Dave Mckean - this man draws my wet dreams. unofficial
digitalthread - links to webdesign, type, etc. - skilled chracter design
Feng Zhu - gallery of environments, characters, machines
¥ feric - bizarre lined illustrations
MoOM - Museum of Online Museums
Pros[thetic] Aes[thetic], deviant - art of Aysha Shehim
Nico Henrichon - beautiful full illustration
transphormeticV4 - interesting interactive Flash generations
TVM - design by TVM: master of graphics over few pixels
Maeda Studio - Maeda's experiments from MIT Media Lab
¥ 1st Ave Machine - quirky motion graphics design firm. look.
Drum Machine - cell-shaded Asian girls with firm skulls
End of the World - GroupX doesn't need artists to be great
PSYOP - a collection of motion graphics adverts
metro de madrid - a perspective you've never seen
Plantage - animated short from the maker of Samorost
Yellowtail - interactive gestural animation
Best Page in the Universe - Maddox rants at easy targets
Book-a-Minute - also check Movie-a-Minute
Computer Stupidities - tragic calls to tech support
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy - from the SNL segment - poor Japanese/English translations
¥ Improv Everywhere - they cause scenes, hilarity ensues
¥ Jay Foreman - his name is Jay, and he writes silly songs
World Jump Day - about time someone changed earth's orbit
¥ Uncyclopedia - The content-free encyclopedia
Animals Have Problems Too - here's some of them
Applegeeks - one of the more beautiful comics
a softer world - I don't know either
Bob the Angry Flower - and a tree stump, apparently
Ctr+Alt+Del - another good gaming comic
¥ Married to the Sea - Victorian toothpaste for dinner
Penny Arcade - Gabe & Tycho & their games
¥ Perry Bible Fellowship - fantastic comics from a deviant
Toothpaste for Dinner - it's what's for dinner
VG Cats - continuously good video game comic
xkcd - romance, sarcasm, math, and language
¥ FlyGuy - just an average day for our hero
Free Multiplayer Online Games - with some Mac-friendliness
HogafflaHage - four singing horses
guimp pacman - world's smallest Pacman
¥ Macintosh Garden - the best classic Mac games - on OSX!
iSketch - multiplayer online Flash-based pictionary
¥ Samorost - best use of Flash in a single player game yet
Samorost 2 - great, but can only play half without paying
Tinygrow - if clicking de-stresses you
Quest for the Rest - Samorostish Polyphonic Spree game
Astronomy Picture of the Day - from our buddies at NASA
Beans around the world - a bean can's fantastic voyage
geriatric1927's videos - A 78 year old widower shares his life
Group Hug - humans fess up anonymously
¥ Levitated Everything - experiments in computer graphics
¥ Reality Carnival - bizarre links posted by Cliff Pickover
Spacializer - interactive sound creation
Pantalaine - clothing for post-apocalyptic genetic mutations
Petra - information about the ancient city
Pictures of Walls - interesting graffiti worldwide
¥ Turning the Pages - leaf through priceless books with Flash
¥ = especially tasty link