Summary of site. Title of the song. Naive expression of love.
Often I'll need an answer to a question, look up the answer, forget the answer, and then need to find that same answer again later. In a quest to gradually end this vicious cycle, every time I need to look something up I'm going to add the answer to this list.
Annual Percentage Rate | APR Borrower Consolidation Cosigner Credit bureau Credit report Credit score Default Deferment Delinquency Disbursement E-signature FDLP | Direct Lending FFELP | Federal Family Education Loan Program
Financial aid Forbearance Grace period Institutional loan Interest Lender Loan Loan Disclosure Statement Loan Forgiveness MPN | Master Promissory Note Private loans Promissory note Reference Repayment Servicer SSN | Social Security Number Stafford loans Subsidized Stafford loans US Department of Education | ED
Discount sites:
* (may have specials)
(space-a)? - Great site which compares several airlines to different locations - Europe and Australasia only.
Price-Mining Sites:
* (flexible dates!)
* - forecasts when is the best time to buy particular fares - not fully operational yet
Hall of Shame:
* - used to let you pick international locations and see best fares over a long period, but they've discontinued the service. BOO.
I can donate blood to AB+, A+, B+, and O+.
Bison is the proper name for the largest mammal in North America, commonly known as the American Buffalo. A completely unrelated mammal, the buffalo, is found only in Africa and southeast Asia. Those animals are known as Cape Buffalo, in Africa, and the water buffalo in southeast Asia.
Alces alces, called the moose in North America and the elk in Europe is the largest member of the deer family Cervidae, distinguished from other members of Cervidae by the form of the palmate antlers of its males. The name moose is from mus or mooz ("twig eater") in several of the Algonquian languages, spoken by certain indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Elk may refer to a number of species of large deer:
* The name originates with Alces alces, the largest extant deer species, called elk in Europe and moose in North America.
* In North America it refers to Cervus elaphus, which is called a red deer in Europe, and a maral in Asia. The various North American subspecies are also called wapiti.
* In India it was used to refer to Cervus unicolor, commonly known as the sambar.
* The word is also used to indicate Megaloceros, the extinct giant deer or Irish elk.
Original publisher: Franco Maria Ricci
Newer version by Abbeville Press, New York 1983
key 2: 4B041F02581F03322910D9A311
key 3: C22BF378AE30EA19866D8C448B
key 4: 58F8DE6706F96C8DAEA9B05709
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects the lungs (pulmonary TB) but can also affect the central nervous system (meningitis), lymphatic system, circulatory system (miliary tuberculosis), genitourinary system, bones and joints.
(via wikipedia)
1. Any live cell with fewer than two neighbours dies, as if by loneliness.
2. Any live cell with more than three neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
3. Any live cell with two or three neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
4. Any dead cell with exactly three neighbours comes to life.
2. First, remove the person's shirt and jewelry, then apply pads to the chest as shown in the diagram displayed on the machine's LCD panel. One pad should be placed on the upper right side of the chest, one on the lower left.
3. Plug the pads into the connector. The defibrillator will analyze the patient and determine if he needs a shock. Do not touch the patient at this time.
4. If the machine determines that a shock is needed, it will direct youÑboth audibly and with visual promptsÑto press the orange button to deliver a shock. Do not touch the patient after pressing the button. The machine will check to see whether or not the patient needs a second shock and if so will direct you to press the orange button again.
5. Check the patient's airway, breathing, and pulse. If there is a pulse, but the patient is not breathing, begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If there is no pulse, repeat the defibrillation process.
Be Aware
A defibrillator should be used for a person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), a condition where the heart's electrical signals become confused and the heart ceases to function. A person experiencing SCA will stop breathing, the pulse will slow or stop, and consciousness will be lost.
Courtesy of Worst Case Survival Guide
Approximately one quarter to one third of the world's traffic travels on the left-hand side of the road. Some claim that this practice arose from the prevalence of right-handedness, although such prevalence occurs in virtually all populations, regardless of which side of the road is used. In any case, the need to be ready for self-defence on rural roads inclined most horse-riders to keep to their left when encountering oncoming wayfarers, so as to be able to deploy a sword or other hand-weapon more swiftly and effectively should the need arise. Also, those on foot and in charge of horse-drawn vehicles would more usually hold the animals' heads with their right hand, and thus walk along the left hand side of the road.
The first legal reference in Britain to an order for traffic to remain on the left occurred in 1756 with regard to London Bridge. The General Highways Act of 1773, contained a recommendation that horse traffic should remain on the left and this was enshrined in the Highways Bill in 1835.
The British author C. Northcote Parkinson has presented what he calls "proof" that the British way of driving (on the left side of the road) is the natural one.
It is commonly asserted that left-hand traffic is a singularly British custom, the corollary being that the rest of the world "naturally" keeps to the right when meeting. The historical record suggests otherwise. (See "Places of Interest" section below.) Prior to World War I, countries observing the left-hand rule included parts of Canada, Russia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, parts of Austria, Sweden, Iceland, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, parts of Brazil, parts of Chile, parts of Italy, China, the Philippines, and Burma. Russia changed near the end of the Tsarist period, Italy when Mussolini came to power, Austria and Czechoslovakia when Hitler annexed or occupied them, the Latin American countries by 1945, the Philippines and China in 1946 (leaving Hong Kong and Macau isolated), and Burma/Myanmar in 1970 on the advice of a soothsayer.
Some ex-colonies of the British Empire continue to drive on the left, but others, such as Canada, Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and the United States switched to the other side.
Apart from former British colonies, most countries' traffic moves on the right hand side, but East Timor, Japan, Indonesia, Macau, Mozambique, Suriname, Thailand, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are exceptions to this rule.
One frequently hears the story that Napoleon changed the rule of the road in the countries he conquered from keep-left to keep-right. The justifications mentioned are usually symbolic, such as that Napoleon himself was left- (or right-) handed, or that Britain, Napoleon's enemy, kept left. This story has never been shown to have a factual basis and it appears to be a legend.
Research in 1969 by J.J. Leeming showed that countries that drive on the left had a lower accident rate than countries that drive on the right, but this research is sharply criticized in Peter Kincaid's book on the rule of the road. Some countries that have switched to driving on the right (such as Sweden) saw their long term accident rates increase by more than any increase in traffic volumes. It has been suggested, but not proven, that this is partly because it is more common to be right-eye dominant. Traffic flows in a clockwise direction when driving on the left which enables right eyed people to use the right eye to see oncoming traffic. When overtaking on a right-side-driving road, the right-eyed driver looks in the wing mirror with the left eye and also views the oncoming traffic with the left eye which is not suited to the majority right-eyed people.
If Bob is Danish, he's from Denmark.
If Bob is Swedish, he's from Sweden.
If Bob is Swiss, he's from Switzerland.
The new key:
If you have Iridium Satellite phone and subscriber of SOS International, you can dial 767 (SOS) to get help or medical evacuation to the nearest SOS International medical centre. Other satellite phone service with emergency service: Immarsat.
* Chad: fire 18; police 17
* Djibouti: fire 18; police 17
* Ghana: 999; police 191; fire 192; medical 193
* Morocco: fire 15; police (city) 19; royal military police (country) 177
* South Africa: police or fire 10111; medical 10177; from mobile phones 112 (soon also from fixed line phones)
* Tunisia: medical 190; police 197
* Uganda: police 999
* Zimbabwe: 999; fire 993; medical 994; police 995
* China
o Mainland: police 110; fire 119; rescue 120; traffic accident 122
o Hong Kong: 999 (voice); 992 (SMS, only available to subscribers with disabilities)
o Macau: 999
* Republic of China (Taiwan): fire and medical 119; police 110
* India: police 100; fire 101; medical 102; traffic police 103. (112 calls dialed from Nokia handsets only are redirected to the local emergency number.)
* Indonesia:
o Police: 110
o Ambulance: 118 and 119.
o Search and Rescue team: 115.
o Natural Disaster: 129.
o Electricity: 123.
o Fire Department: 113.
o Cellular phone and Satellite phone emergency number: 112
* Japan: police 110; emergency at sea 118; fire and medical 119
* Malaysia: police and medical 999; fire 994; civil defense 991;112 can be dialed from mobile phones
* Mongolia: 100; police 101; medical 102
* Philippines: 112 or 911; police 117
* Singapore: fire and medical 995; police 999
* Sri Lanka: accident service 11-2691111
* South Korea: police 112; fire and medical 119
* Thailand: police 191; fire 199; medical 1669
* Pakistan: police 15
* Vietnam: 115; police 113; fire 114
* Turkey: fire 110; police 155; medical 112; Gendarmerie: 156; Coast Guard 158
* Lebanon: police 112;
* Iran: police 110; medical 115; fire 125
* Israel: police 100; medical 101; fire 102
* Qatar: 999
* Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: police 999; fire 998; traffic police 993; medical 997; rescue emergency 911, 112, or 08
* The United Arab Emirates: police 999; fire 998; medical 997
* Most common emergency number 112 (also standard on GSM mobile phones) - used in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom (sources: European Radiocommunications Office, European Union, SOS 112 Europe).
* Austria: fire 122; police 133; medical 144
* Belgium: 112; fire and medical 100; police 101; missing children 110; mental problems/suicide 106
* Bulgaria: medical 150; fire 160; police 166
* Croatia: 112; police 92; fire 93; medical 94; road help 987
* Cyprus: 112; 199
* Czech Republic: 112; medical 155; fire 150; police 158; municipal police 156
* Denmark: police, fire, medical, environment 112
* Estonia: 112; police 110
* Finland: police, fire, medical, environment 112
* France: 112; medical 15; police 17; fire and rescue 18
* Germany: police 110; fire and ambulance 112
* Greece: 112; police 100; medical 166; fire 199; forest fire 191; coast guard emergency intervention 108; counter-narcotics immediate intervention 109
* Hungary: 112; police 107; fire and rescue 105; medical 104
* Ireland: 112 or 999
* Italy: police and 113; Carabinieri (military police) 112; medical 118; fire or disaster 115; Guardia di Finanza 117
* Latvia: 112; fire and rescue 01; police 02; medical 03; gas leaks 04
* Lithuania: 112; fire 01, 101, or 011; police 02, 102, or 022; medical 03, 103, or 033. Note: the non-112 numbers are for separate emergency services differ in distinct telecommunications networks, whereas 112 available on all networks.
* Netherlands: 112; police (non-urgent) 0900-8844; spoken emergency information during a state of emergency for western North Brabant: 0800-02002010. Every region of the country also has a local emergency line for medical help, dealing with medical emergencies which are an emergency and serious but not serious enough to be dealt with the national emergency telephone number.
* Norway: fire and rescue 110; police 112; medical 113
* Poland: 112; medical 999; fire 998; police 997; municipal wardens 986; natural gas/LPG emergencies 992
* Portugal: 112; fire 117
* Romania: 112. Mountain Rescue is usually beyond the scope of 112 and each mountain rescue station has its own number. A call to 112 will usually get you through to Mountain Rescue, but is far slower than calling directly.
* Russia: fire 01; police (militsia) 02; medical 03; gas leaks 04; general emergency from mobile phone 112
* Serbia: 112; police 92; fire 93; medical 94
* Slovakia: 112; medical 155; fire 150; police 158
* Slovenia: 112; police 113; rescue, fire and medical 112
* Spain: 112; police 091; Civil Guard 062; fire 080 or 085; medical 061
* Sweden: 112
* Switzerland: fire 118; police 117; medical 144; poison 145; road emergency 140; psychological support (free and anonymous) 143; psychological support for teens and children (free and anonymous) 147; helicopter air-rescue (Rega) 1414 or by radio on 161.300 MHz. The European emergency number 112 is also supported, and is the one recommended for use from mobile phones.
* Ukraine: 112 being implemented; fire 01; police (militsia) 02; medical 03; gas leaks 04
* United Kingdom: 999 or 112. 101 is now used as a non-emergency number for police and local authorities in several areas in England and Wales, and will be extended to cover all of England and Wales by 2008.
* Australia: 000. On a mobile phone, dial 112 or 000, remembering to tell the operator what state you are in. If you have a textphone/TTY, you can use the National Relay Service on 106. SES units in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia can be contacted on 132 500. In Western Australia, the number is 1300 130 039. In the ACT, the number is 6207 8455. In Queensland, Tasmania and Northern Territory, you will have to call the individual units.
North America
* Fiji: fire and medical 911; police 917
* New Zealand: 111; urgent but not emergency police/traffic number *555 (from mobile phones only). Redirect connects many popular foreign emergency numbers. From mobile phones, the international emergency numbers 112, 911 and 08 also work. The 0800 161616 TTY and 0800 161610 fax numbers are operated by the police for all three services.
* Vanuatu: 112
* Canada: 911
South America
* Mexico: 060; 066 or 080
* USA: 911
* Dominican Republic: 911
* Saint Pierre et Miquelon: 17 police, 18 fire, 15 ambulance
* Argentina: medical 107; police 101; fire 100; emergency dispatcher for Buenos Aires (city) and Buenos Aires (province) 911
* Bolivia: medical 118; police 110
* Brazil: human rights 100; emergency number for Mercosul area 128; fire 193; medical 192; police 190; federal police 194; civil police 197; civil defense 199; federal highway police 191; state highway police 198. See also: Brazilian telephone numbering plan#Public utility.
* Chile: medical 131; fire 132; police 133
* Colombia: 112 or 123 (landlines and mobile phones); police 156; fire 119; traffic accidents 127; medical 132; GAULA (anti-kidnapping) 165. More specialized three-digit numbers are available; check the local Yellow Pages for more information.
* Peru: fire 711
* Suriname: 115
* Uruguay: 911
* Venezuela: 171
The total annual cost of a loan, including all fees and interest.
The individual who applies for a loan and receives the proceeds of the loan.
Combining several loans into a single loan to reduce the monthly payment amount
and/or increase the repayment period.
A person who signs the promissory note in addition to the borrower and is
equally responsible for the obligation if the borrower doesnÕt pay.
An agency that gathers and stores credit information on individuals. If a
credit report is needed for a loan application, a credit bureau produces a
report based on the gathered data. The lender also reports back to credit
bureaus how much an individual borrowed and whether the individual makes
payments when due.
Lenders use credit reports to determine if they should approve a loan and to
set the terms (interest rate, fees, and length) of the loan.
A number, generally between 300 and 800, that reflects the credit history shown
in a borrower's credit report. This score is considered predictive of the
borrower's future credit performance.
Failure to repay a loan according to the terms of the signed promissory note
for the loan.
A period during which a borrower, who meets certain criteria, may suspend loan
payments. For some loans the federal government pays the interest during a
deferment. On others, the interest accrues and is capitalized, and the borrower
is responsible for paying it.
Failure to make monthly loan payments when due. Delinquency begins with the
first missed payment.
The release of loan funds to the school for delivery to the borrower.
Disbursements are usually made in equal multiple installments co-payable to the
borrower and the school.
Electronic signature. An option that allows borrowers to
electronically sign a document online. The
borrower must read and agree to the necessary consent and
disclosure statements.
The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program offers Stafford and PLUS loans
available directly from the federal government. Selected colleges and
universities participate in this program.
The Federal Family Education Loan Program. Stafford and PLUS loans are financed
by private lenders and guaranteed by the federal government.
Financial assistance including scholarships, grants, work-study, and loans for
Forbearance allows temporary cessation of payments or smaller payments for a
specific length of time.
Specified period of time between the date a student graduates or drops below
half-time status and the date loan repayment begins.
Loans specific to a college, university, or other post-secondary educational
An amount, calculated as a percent of the principal loan amount, that is
charged for borrowed money.
A financial institution, agency, or school that provides the money to make a
loan to a borrower.
A type of financial aid that is available to students and their parents.
Student loan programs have varying interest rates and repayment provisions.
Education loans must be repaid.
Also called a Loan Repayment Statement, this statement is issued to a borrower
by the lender when the borrower enters repayment. It gives information about
the loan, including guarantee and insurance fees, and the interest rate.
Student loans can be "forgiven" (written off) by the federal
government in the event that: the borrower's school closes while he/she is
attending; the borrower becomes permanently disabled; or the borrower dies.
The promissory note a student signs when taking out a Stafford loan. The master
promissory note covers both the subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans the
student may receive for the same enrollment period. If the student is attending
a 4-year or graduate school, the master promissory note also covers subsidized
and unsubsidized Stafford loans the student may receive for future enrollment
These loans (non-government) are offered by banks or other financial
institutions and schools to parents and students.
The binding legal document a student signs for the student loan. It lists
rights and responsibilities, and the terms and conditions of the loan.
A lender generally will ask a borrower to provide the names, phone numbers, and
addresses of at least 2 individuals to be used as references for the borrower.
The time during which a borrower actively makes payments towards an education loan.
The servicer is an organization that
administers the student loan program because of its complexity. Loan servicing
includes disbursing loan funds, monitoring loans while borrowers are in school,
and assisting borrowers during repayment of their loans.
Unique nine-digit number assigned to individuals that identifies location of
birth (or registration), is necessary to contribute or receive Social Security
funds for retirement, and is used by the IRS in associating individual income
for the purpose of assessing taxes.
Loans, both subsidized (need based) and unsubsidized (non-need based),
guaranteed by the federal government and available to students to fund
Subsidized Stafford loans are awarded to students who demonstrate financial
need. The Department of Education subsidizes the interest, so borrowers are not
charged interest while enrolled in school at least half-time, and during grace
and deferment periods.
Government agency that administers several federal student financial aid
programs, including the Federal Pell Grant, the Federal Work-Study Program, the
Federal Perkins Loan, the FFELP, and the FDLP.
These are most likely to be caused by a mild zinc deficiency which can be easily corrected by taking a dietary supplement. Zinc is relatively safe and non-toxic so sensible levels of supplementation should do you no harm. I would advise 20-40mg of elemental zinc a day (available from chemists as zinc sulphate). Could also be calcium deficiency.
* Be suspicious of baggy clothing. Your target may be trying to conceal a telltale bulge.
* Look for an Adam's apple. Most men have a bump in the middle of their throat. Most women do not.
* Observe shoulders and hips. Men's shoulders tend to be broader than their hips, while women's hips and shoulders tend to be closer to the same width. Do not be fooled by shoulder pads.
* Follow your target up a flight of stairs. Take note of how she (or he) moves while ascending. Men tend to walk in a more "straight ahead" motion with minimal "wobbling" back and forth. Women tend to sway a bit from side to side, due to the position of their pelvises. Women also tend to lean forward slightly.
Be Aware
* Look for at least three of these characteristics before you draw conclusions about your date's gender, then make your plans accordingly.
* Voice is not always a good indicator of gender - a low voice may simply be the result of hard living.
Courtesy of Worst Case Survival Guide
where a is the larger part and b is the smaller part.
The ratio itself is an irrational number: 1.61803399...
Utamur maiestatis per eu, te alii consulatu ullamcorper sed. Eos ne probo equidem, te summo inimicus cum, vix id duis iusto solet. Dolor tempor adolescens sea ei. No duo ignota voluptatibus mediocritatem, ei mea congue dissentiet. Nam an vocent alienum, vix ea illum propriae philosophia, eius nonumy periculis eu vim. Propriae scaevola conceptam eu cum, congue imperdiet efficiendi vis ei, aperiam debitis platonem te nec.
Mentitum reprimique ullamcorper cum no. Ipsum consulatu ad nec, mea eu vivendum dignissim. Oblique dolores sapientem id vim, ad tation ponderum definitionem vix, elitr epicurei nec ei. Volutpat tincidunt rationibus ut est, eu cibo ullum libris mea. His no quis facete, offendit salutandi duo ad, cum ut justo oportere.
Cum nominavi verterem argumentum te. Cu cum vocibus elaboraret signiferumque. Ad vis nonumy epicuri, sed falli graeci explicari cu. Pro eu vocent fabellas dignissim, elit vituperata dissentiet an pri. Posse eirmod at duo, mutat fabulas ne mei. Posse ornatus sapientem usu ex.
Enim malis accumsan cum at, invenire indoctum est ea, quo an quod tibique. Velit primis torquatos sit cu, per in quis scripta. Ei eam ocurreret scripserit. Sit nonummy scribentur ut, mea ut graeco ceteros. Viris interesset his in.
3 tins of plum tomatoes
dried basil
salt & pepper
sugar (plain white sugar or golden something) kg of that
golden syrup
very small bag of plain flour
brown bread
oxo stock vegetable stock (maybe chicken)
normal size bottle sunflour oil
extra small virgin olive oil
brown pasta/long grain rice
meat & veg
chili powder maybe
might want white wine vinegar
cheese (something strong like parmesan)
orange juice
couscous (boil it in stock, add veg)
crumble stock cubes into anything liquidy like tomato sauce
tomato sauce - cook for a long time. add oil, vinegar, herbs
also, make sure you have decent sharp kitchen knife or a chopping board & can opener
2. Fill with water so it's an inch over the eggs
3. Put on high heat and bring to a rapid boil
4. Let boil for 12 minutes
5. Remove the eggs immediately from the pot (I use a slotted spoon) and plunge them into cold water until you can pick them out of the water without burning your hands (a bit under a minute)
One leg in the air, died of wounds received in battle.
All legs on the ground, natural causes.
Animal Style - bun is grilled with mustard, sauteed onions instead of raw, pickles, extra "special sauce." This can be applied to a burger or to fries.
Wish Burger - no meat, i.e. veggie burger
Protein Style - lettuce wrapped around the burger, no bun
Flying Dutchman - two meat patties with two slices of cheese
Double Meat - Double Double without cheese
4x4 - 4 meat patties with 4 slices of cheese.
2x4 - 2 meat patties with 4 slices of cheese
(# meat patties)x(# slices of cheese) - works for any number
3 by Meat - three meat patties and no cheese
Grilled Cheese - cheeseburger, no meat
Fries - well done - fries extra crispy and brown
Fries - light - fries more raw
Choco-Vanilla Swirl Shake - just what it sounds like <
Neopolitan Shake - a blend of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry shakes.
Call Australia from the US:
(011)(61)(area code)(XXXX-XXXX)
Australian Area Code:
- Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) - 2
- New South Wales (Sydney, UNSW) - 2
- Northern Territory (Darwin/Alice Springs) - 8
- Queensland (Brisbane/Townsville/Cairns) - 7
- South Australia (Adelaide) - 8
- Tasmania (Hobart) - 3
- Western Australia (Perth) - 8
- Victoria (Melbourne) - 3
Call Japan from the US:
(011)(81)(city code)(XXXX-XXXX)
Have to look up city code. Some major ones:
82 Hiroshima, 3 Tokyo, 78 Kobe, 75 Kyoto, 66 Osaka
Call UK from the US:
(011)(44) don't dial 0 (XX-XXXX-XXXX)
Sometimes UK numbers have (0) in them. Ignore it (if you're in the US you don't need a 0). And ignore "+". Note: American phones don't have SIM cards that store phone's data. Buying a "pay-as-you-go" phone best way to have short-term calling access in UK.
Call US from the UK:
(00)(1)(3-digit area code)(XXX-XXXX)
Regular UK operator: Dial 100
International calling operator: Dial 155
Directory Enquiries: Dial 118 000
Top Up (Orange): Dial 450
International Calling Helpline (Orange): Dial 159
Call France from the UK:
(00)(33)(1 or 3 digit area code)(XXX-XXXX)
France City Area Telephone Codes:
556 Bordeaux, Cannes
549 Chauvigny
495 Corsica
562 Lyon
491 Marseille
4 Monaco
1 Paris
388 Strasbourg
5 Toulouse
Call the UK from France:
(00)(44)(area code, London is 20)(XXX-XXXX)
For international calling, this site is a good resource
User link: <lj user="exampleusername">
Trivia: Angel Station has the longest escalator.
Mammatus only occur where cumulonimbus are present; however, they can drift up to 25 miles away from a thunderstorm. The atmosphere must also meet certain conditions, which include a moist and unstable middle to upper atmosphere over a very dry, lower layer of the atmosphere. An updraft then must occur, which shapes the mammatus into the pouch-like shape.
Mammatus clouds tend to form more often during warm months. In the United States, they tend to occur more often over the midwest and eastern portions of the country, though they can and do occur more infrequently over the west and southwest.
Mammatus has often been linked with the occurrence of tornadoes, particularly during the 1950s and 1960s. Though tornadic storms often produce mammatus under their downwind anvil, many weak storms and even stratiform clouds also produce mammatus. Contrary to common misconceptions, mammatus are not precursors to tornadoes, but are a possible byproduct.
It is very common for storms producing mammatus clouds also to produce wind shear, and possiblyÑthough less likelyÑball lightning; therefore, aviators are strongly cautioned to avoid cumulonimbus with mammatus.
1. select staying object
2. select cutting object
2. selected Polygons/Booleans/Difference.
Sometimes this doesn't work and both objects disappear. To correct for this, do a Polygons/Cleanup (with non-manifold geometry selected along with the defaults).
2. Edit Polygons/Select Normals/Average Normals/Conform Normals
3. Go to faces mode, click faces
In Edit/Duplicate/Options:
Scale -1, 1, 1, all else zero.
Geometry type: Instance
Group under: world.
1. Get Maya 7.0.dmg. Emule recommended.
2. Remove maya 6.5 from your Mac. (if it doesn't work, just install new)
3. Go to this site to download the keygenerator:
ALIAS_MAYA_UNLIMITED_V7.0_OSX-XFORCE_147950.html (or another site that has xforce's keygen for Mac OSX. "xforce" may be a good bet)
4. Create a folder on a windows machine: flexlm
5. Throw the folder, Crack, onto your Windows machine on the C:\ drive... unless you downloaded it already from a Windows machine. I wouldn't do this since Windows are prone to viruses.
6. Open your Mac's System Prefs (under Network), look for the ethernet tab that will show you the Mac id of your machine. Hexadecimal number for ethernet id.
7. Go to your Windows machine and open the aw.dat file in the Crack folder. Where it says "your host" enter your mac id from your Mac
8. Open your dos window with start>run>cmd and enter at the prompt directory path to your flexlm folder. c:\flexlm.
9. At the prompt enter awkeygen.exe aw.dat
10. Throw the aw.dat file onto your Mac desktop.
11. Go to finder and open new finder folder and then under go menu, highlight "Go To Folder"
12. Type in /var/flexlm unless you have another path for this folder... it will take you straight to it
13. Launch maya 7.0 and you should be all set.
Thanks to rebelrsr for these instructions, which are for educational purposes only and not to be used unless to recover a lost Maya license you've paid for.
1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers
1 m = 3.281 ft
1 in = 2.54 cm
1 ft3 = 7.481 gal
1 oz = .0352 g
1.8 x 1.8
240 by 240
ppi: 133.333333
Treo 650
1.8 x 1.8
320 by 320
ppi: 177.777778
Symbol MC70
2.8 x 2.1
ppi: 114
All fonts on Windows Mobile are truetype - less true to the font, altered so they are readable in available pixels.
II. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force Fis F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.
III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Only a few small nations beat the US for obesity - two of them are Western Samoa and Nauru, both in the South Pacific.
Mississippi is the fattest US state. Also Mississippi is ranked 1st for poverty and 50th for education.
The three most obese major countries are:
1. US (30.5%)
2. Mexico (24.2%)
3. UK (23%)
Ireland is 13th, with 13%. Japan and South Korea are at the end of this list, in 28 & 29th, at 3.2%.
Obese Britons outnumber obese Italians 3:1.
They Take The Psycho Path
How Do You Get Holy Water?
You Boil The Hell Out Of It.
What Do Fish Say When They Hit a Concrete Wall?
What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long?
What Do You Call Santa's Helpers?
Subordinate Clauses.
What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand?
Quattro Sinko
What Lies At The Bottom Of The Ocean And Twitches?
A Nervous Wreck.
What's The Difference Between Roast Beef And Pea Soup?
Anyone Can Roast Beef.
Where Do You Find a Dog With No Legs?
Right Where You Left Him.
Why Do Gorillas Have Big Nostrils?
Because They Have Big Fingers.
Why Don't Blind People Like To Sky Dive?
Because It Scares The Dog.
What Kind Of Coffee Was Served On The Titanic?
What Is The Difference Between a Harley And a Hoover?
The Location Of The Dirt Bag.
What's The Difference Between a Bad Golfer And a Bad Skydiver?
A Bad Golfer Goes, Whack, Dang!
A Bad Skydiver Goes Dang! Whack.
How Are a Texas Tornado And a Tennessee Divorce The Same?
Somebody's Gonna Lose A Trailer
What is the best thing about dating a homeless woman?
You can drop her off anywhere.
What should a woman say to a man she's just had sex with?
Whatever she wants. He's sleeping.
Where does virgin wool come from?
Ugly sheep.
How do you spot the blind man at a nudist colony?
It isn't hard.
What does the bride of a Polish man get that's long and hard on her wedding night? ...
His last name.
What's the down side to a threesome?
You'll likely disappoint two women instead of just one.
How do you know you're really ugly?
Dogs close their eyes when they're humping your leg.
Why are hurricanes named after women?
Because they arrive wet and wild, then leave with your house and car.
* 1 pair of black trousers
* 1 sweater/jacket
* 2 pullover sweaters (tan, blue)
* 1 black knit pullover with red pin stripe
* 2 black stretch turtleneck tops
* 1 black scoop neck top
* a nightgown
* 2 sets of underwear and socks (hand-washed nightly)
On the plane, wear black suede trousers with a comfortable black top, a pair of black suede short boots (only footwear for the trip), and a black leather jacket.
Also take:
* toiletries
* meds and vitamins
* digital camera with extra memory cards
* mini umbrella
* fold-up bags for souvenirs, etc.
Depth-Sorting Method/Painter's Algorithm
Simple 3D graphics solutions to the visibility problem. Painter's algorithm renders distant objects first, then "paints over" with objects nearby.
Algorithm can fail when objects overlap, don't allow easy sorting. Also it can be inefficient because it forces the system to render each point on every polygon in the visible set, even if that polygon is occluded in the finished scene. This means that for detailed scenes, the painter's algorithm can overly tax hardware.
Here's what the Encyclopedia Galactica has to say about alcohol. It says that alcohol is a colourless volatile liquid formed by the fermentation of sugars and also notes its intoxicating effect on certain carbon-based life forms. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy also mentions alcohol. It says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. It says that the effect of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. The Guide also tells you on which planets the best Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters are mixed, how much you can expect to pay for one and what voluntary organizations exist to help you rehabilitate afterwards. The Guide even tells you how you can mix one yourself. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy sells rather better than the Encyclopedia Galactica.
The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster has also been described in the novel as the alcoholic equivalent to a mugging: expensive and bad for the head.
In an interview, Douglas Adams stated that there are a number of environmental and weapons treaties and laws of physics which prevent the The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster from being mixed on Earth.
Note to people who aren't me: This is a memory prompt, not the password itself. You can try it a million places and get nowhere, or you can take an exhilarating walk outside, feed the pigeons, and gain a sense of enormous well-being. Up to you.
ye/de = ys/d
xs - d.xe/ze
ys =
where eye to first view is (xs, ys) and to further view is (xe, ye, ze)
ze is the distance of the object
2. On the second, high pass on 10
3. Put that layer on hard light
4. Duplicate the background again
5. Layers/sharpen/unsharpen mask around 39/4.5/0
1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952
2. Place the file somewhere in your webpate directory.
3. On each page that has pngs, add the following to the header:
<!--[if lt IE 7.]>
<script defer type="text/javascript" src="pngfix.js"></script>
President Party Term as President Vice-President
1. George Washington (1732-1799) None, Federalist 1789-1797 John Adams
2. John Adams (1735-1826) Federalist 1797-1801 Thomas Jefferson
3. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Democratic-Republican 1801-1809 Aaron Burr, George Clinton
4. James Madison (1751-1836) Democratic-Republican 1809-1817 George Clinton, Elbridge Gerry
5. James Monroe (1758-1831) Democratic-Republican 1817-1825 Daniel Tompkins
6. John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) Democratic-Republican 1825-1829 John Calhoun
7. Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) Democrat 1829-1837 John Calhoun, Martin van Buren
8. Martin van Buren (1782-1862) Democrat 1837-1841 Richard Johnson
9. William H. Harrison (1773-1841) Whig 1841 John Tyler
10. John Tyler (1790-1862) Whig 1841-1845 .
11. James K. Polk (1795-1849) Democrat 1845-1849 George Dallas
12. Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) Whig 1849-1850 Millard Fillmore
13. Millard Fillmore (1800-1874) Whig 1850-1853 .
14. Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) Democrat 1853-1857 William King
15. James Buchanan (1791-1868) Democrat 1857-1861 John Breckinridge
16. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Republican 1861-1865 Hannibal Hamlin, Andrew Johnson
17. Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) National Union 1865-1869 .
18. Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) Republican 1869-1877 Schuyler Colfax
19. Rutherford Hayes (1822-1893) Republican 1877-1881 William Wheeler
20. James Garfield (1831-1881) Republican 1881 Chester Arthur
21. Chester Arthur (1829-1886) Republican 1881-1885 .
22. Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) Democrat 1885-1889 Thomas Hendriks
23. Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) Republican 1889-1893 Levi Morton
24. Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) Democrat 1893-1897 Adlai Stevenson
25. William McKinley (1843-1901) Republican 1897-1901 Garret Hobart, Theodore Roosevelt
26. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) Republican 1901-1909 Charles Fairbanks
27. William Taft (1857-1930) Republican 1909-1913 James Sherman
28. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) Democrat 1913-1921 Thomas Marshall
29. Warren Harding (1865-1923) Republican 1921-1923 Calvin Coolidge
30. Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) Republican 1923-1929 Charles Dawes
31. Herbert C. Hoover (1874-1964) Republican 1929-1933 Charles Curtis
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) Democrat 1933-1945 John Garner, Henry Wallace, Harry S. Truman
33. Harry S Truman (1884-1972) Democrat 1945-1953 Alben Barkley
34. Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969) Republican 1953-1961 Richard Milhous Nixon
35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) Democrat 1961-1963 Lyndon Johnson
36. Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973) Democrat 1963-1969 Hubert Humphrey
37. Richard Milhous Nixon (1913-1994) Republican 1969-1974 Spiro Agnew, Gerald R. Ford
38. Gerald R. Ford (1913- ) Republican 1974-1977 Nelson Rockefeller
39. James (Jimmy) Earl Carter, Jr. (1924- ) Democrat 1977-1981 Walter Mondale
40. Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911- 2004) Republican 1981-1989 George H. W. Bush
41. George H. W. Bush (1924- ) Republican 1989-1993 James Danforth (Dan) Quayle
42. William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton (1946- ) Democrat 1993-2001 Al Gore
43. George W. Bush (1946- ) Republican 2001- Richard Cheney
Units of Pressure
1 pascal (Pa)
1 N*m-2 = 1 kg*m-1*s-2
1 atmosphere (atm)
1.01325*105 Pa
1 atmosphere (atm)
760 torr
1 bar
105 Pa
1. Download and install VLC
2. Open VLC, go to Preferences. Expand the Audio link on the left, and then expand Output modules. Click on auhal. On the right, change the value for Audio Device to 1 and press Save. You may need to do this again when viewing another DVD.
3. Insert DVD.
4. In VLC, go to File/Open Disk. Select VIDEO_TS directory and browser to the DVD you inserted. Select its video directory, click Open.
5. Press play button in VLC to view.
export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/MPlayer OS X"
possible IP:
Volume: mplayer -af volume=-10.1:0 media.avi bash
Kudos to Gwillen for writing this syncing program.
London WC3E 9BF
Tel: 0845 838 0958
Exit Leicester Square Tube Station, make a left down Garrick Street, it's on your right.
Note: Cybercandy sells Mug brand Root Beer and sometimes A&W - I've never seen them stock both at the same time. Liter botles are about £6-12, cans about £1.5-3 each.
Sainsbury's has a bad imitation, some places sell "Australia Root Beer," which is completely different than US root beer.
If any English person tells you all American mints/gum taste like root beer, don't listen.
¥ The Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov
¥ Dune, Frank Herbert
¥ Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein
¥ A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
¥ Neuromancer, William Gibson
¥ ChildhoodÕs End, Arthur C. Clarke
¥ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick
¥ The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley
¥ Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
¥ The Book of the New Sun, Gene Wolfe
¥ A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter M. Miller, Jr.
¥ The Caves of Steel, Isaac Asimov
¥ Children of the Atom, Wilmar Shiras
¥ Cities in Flight, James Blish
¥ The Colour of Magic, Terry Pratchett
¥ Dangerous Visions, edited by Harlan Ellison
¥ Deathbird Stories, Harlan Ellison
¥ The Demolished Man, Alfred Bester
¥ Dhalgren, Samuel R. Delany
¥ Dragonflight, Anne McCaffrey
¥ EnderÕs Game, Orson Scott Card
¥ The First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Stephen R. Donaldson
¥ The Forever War, Joe Haldeman
¥ Gateway, Frederik Pohl
¥ Harry Potter and the PhilosopherÕs Stone, J.K. Rowling
¥ The HitchhikerÕs Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
¥ I Am Legend, Richard Matheson
¥ Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice
¥ The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin
¥ Little, Big, John Crowley
¥ Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny
¥ The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick
¥ Mission of Gravity, Hal Clement
¥ More Than Human, Theodore Sturgeon
¥ The Rediscovery of Man, Cordwainer Smith
¥ On the Beach, Nevil Shute
¥ Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke
¥ Ringworld, Larry Niven
¥ Rogue Moon, Algis Budrys
¥ The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien
¥ Slaughterhouse-5, Kurt Vonnegut
¥ Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson
¥ Stand on Zanzibar, John Brunner
¥ The Stars My Destination, Alfred Bester
¥ Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein
¥ Stormbringer, Michael Moorcock
¥ The Sword of Shannara, Terry Brooks
¥ Timescape, Gregory Benford
¥ To Your Scattered Bodies Go, Philip Jose Farmer
No laughing.
No crying.
No talking out of turn.
No line dancing.
No moose calling.
No sword play.
No pumpkin carving.
No mummified cat juggling.
No wallowing in your own self pity.
No circumstantial evidence.
No walking on the grass.
No pancakes on Monday.
No dessert until you eat your vegetables.
No slap stick comedy.
No balloon animals.
And absolutely, positively, no barking like a seal.
It upsets me.
Ali G, an MC and gangster wannabe from Staines.
Borat, a Kazakhstani reporter.
Brüno, a flamboyantly gay Austrian fashion reporter.
2. Make quick, sharp, repeated jabs in these areas. Since sharks are predators and will usually only follow through on an attack if they have the advantage, making the shark unsure of its advantage in any way possible will increase your chances of survival. Contrary to popular opinion, the shark's nose is not the area to attack, unless you cannot reach the eyes or gills. Hitting the shark simply tells it that you are not defenseless.
How to Avoid an Attack:
1. Always stay in groupsÑsharks are more likely to attack a solitary individual. Do not wander too far from shore. This isolates you and creates the additional danger of being too far from assistance.
2. Avoid being in the water during darkness or twilight hours, when sharks are most active and have a competitive sensory advantage.
3. Do not enter the water if you are bleeding from an open wound or if you are menstruating - a shark is drawn to blood and its olfactory ability is acute.
4. Try not to wear shiny jewelry because the reflected light resembles the sheen of fish scales.
5. Avoid waters with known effluents or sewage and those being used by sport or commercial fishermen, especially if there are signs of bait fish or feeding activity. Diving seabirds are good indicators of such action.
6. Use extra caution when waters are murky and avoid showing any uneven tanning and brightly-colored clothing-sharks see contrast particularly well.
7. If a shark shows itself to you, it may be curious rather than predatory and will probably swim on and leave you alone. If you are under the surface and lucky enough to see an attacking shark, then you do have a good chance of defending yourself if the shark is not too large.
8. Scuba divers should avoid lying on the surface, where they may look like a piece of prey to a shark, and from where they cannot see a shark approaching.
9. A shark attack is a potential danger for anyone who frequents marine waters, but it should be kept in perspective. Bees, wasps, and snakes are responsible for far more fatalities each year, and in the United States the annual risk of death from lightning is 30 times greater than from shark attack.
Courtesy of Worst Case Survival Guide
(password prompt)
To download from a remote server:
(in new unix shell:)
(password prompt)
(CMU) To unpublish your www directory, navigate to it and:
touch .unpublish
This create an unpublish file, which when you publish again will unpublish your directories.
Relative Path Operators
Current Path: .
One Above Current Path: ..
Example: If you're in the /bob/usr/bin directory and want to run the /bob/usr/sally command, use
/bob/usr/bin # /bob/usr/sally or
/bob/usr/bin # ../sally or
/bob/usr/bin # cd ..
/bob/usr # ./sally
Copy a source file to a destination
cp <source> <destination>
Move a source file to a destination
mv <source> <destination>
Create a new directory
mkdir <directory name>
Download the file at the given URI to the current path
wget <URI>
Un-gzip and un-tar the given *.tgz or *.tar.gz file
tar -xz -f <file>
Add a file from your HD to directory (can be .tar)
First navigate to folder on your HD with file. Then,
scp picture.jpg
Create .tar file from a folder on your HD
tar -cvf name_of_new_tar.tar ./made_from_this_directory
Un-tar a .tar file
tar -xvf filename.tar
Delete a file
rm <file>
Delete a directory and all contents
rm -r <directory>
Kill all running processes of the program
killall <program name>
Show running processes
Kill all running processes of the program
killall <program name>
Show running processes in a graphical frontend
<command> -h
Linux Dev Center
United Kingdom $ 0.021
United Kingdom - Mobile - Hutchison3G $ 0.253
United Kingdom - Mobile - O2 $ 0.253
United Kingdom - Mobile - Orange $ 0.253
United Kingdom - Mobile - Others $ 0.253
United Kingdom - Mobile - Tmobile $ 0.253
United Kingdom - Mobile - Vodafone $ 0.253
United Kingdom-London $ 0.021 $ 0.024
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0551 $ 0.110
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0558 $ 0.099
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0560 $ 0.021
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0836 $ 0.149
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0844 $ 0.118
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0845 $ 0.128
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0870 $ 0.181
United Kingdom-Shared Cost-0871 $ 0.227
United Kingdom-Toll Free $ 0.000
When the coke is opened, there is suddenly a great pressure differential. The initial loud hiss that is heard is this pressure differential equalizing itself. All of the additional pressure found within the bottle pushes gas out of the bottle until the pressure inside the bottle is the same as the pressure outside the bottle. The movement of this gas causes that initial loud hiss.
However, once this occurs, the pressure inside the bottle is much lower and the gas bubbles that had previously been dissolved into the soda have nothing holding them in the liquid anymore so they start rising out of the liquid. As they reach the surface, they pop and force small explosions of soda. These explosions are the source of the popping and hissing that continues while the soda is opened to the outside air. Of course, after a while, the soda will become "flat" when the only gas left dissolved in the liquid will be the gas that is held back by the relatively weak atmospheric pressure (when compared to the original pressure that existed inside the bottle while it was being shipped).
On March 7, 1906, the New York Times reported that Chatham, New Jersey planned to install what were probably the first automobile speed bumps/humps ever. According to the article, Chatham planned to raise its crosswalks five inches above the road level, adding, "This scheme of stopping automobile speeding has been discussed by different municipalities, but Chatham is the first place to put it in practice."
1. turn on electric kette
2. find suitable mug
3. insert teabag (blend of ceylon and assam)
4. insert sugar to taste
5. pour hot water on teabag
6. allow to infuse for 2 minutes
7. pour milk to taste
8. allow to infuse for further 3 minutes
9. remove teabag, dispose
10. do happy tea dance
From To Fahrenheit To Celsius To Kelvin Fahrenheit (F) F (F - 32) * 5/9 (F - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15 Celsius (C or o) (C * 9/5) + 32 C C + 273.15 Kelvin (K) (K - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 K - 273.15 K
(Four sheets to the wind(1)
in Copenhagen)
and wounded, it ain't what the moon did
I got what I paid for now
See you tomorrow, hey Frank, can I borrow
A couple of bucks from you?
To go waltzing Matilda(3), waltzing Matilda
You'll go waltzing Matilda with me
I'm an innocent victim of a
blinded alley(4)
And I'm tired of all these soldiers here
No one speaks English, and everything's broken
And my Stacys(5)
are soaking wet
To go waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda
You'll go waltzing Matilda with me
Now the dogs are barking and the
taxi cabs parking
A lot they can do for me
I begged you to stab me, you tore my shirt open
And I'm down on my knees tonight
Old Bushmills(6)
I staggered, you buried the dagger
In your silhouette window light
To go waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda
You'll go waltzing Matilda with me
Now I've lost my St. Christopher(7),
now that I've kissed her
And the one-armed bandit(8)
And the maverick Chinamen, and the cold-blooded signs
And the girls down by the strip-tease shows go
Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda
You'll go waltzing Matilda with me
No, I don't want your sympathy,
the fugitives say
That the streets aren't for dreaming now
And manslaughter dragnets, and the ghosts that sell memories
They want a piece of the action anyhow
Go waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda
You'll go waltzing Matilda with me
And you can ask any sailor, and
the keys from the jailer
And the old men in wheelchairs know
That Matilda's the defendant, she killed about a hundred
And she follows wherever you may go
Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda
You'll go waltzing Matilda with me
And it's a battered old suitcase
to a hotel someplace
And a wound that will never heal
No prima donna, the perfume is on
An old shirt that is stained with blood and whiskey
And goodnight to the street sweepers, the night watchmen, flame keepers
And goodnight, Matilda, too
(1) Four sheets to the wind: Also mentioned in Spare Parts 1: "Well, I don't need you, baby You see, it's a well known fact, you know I'm four sheets to the wind, I'm glad you're gone I'm glad you're gone, cause I'm finally alone." (Nighthawks At The Diner, 1975)
A1) Drunk. Synonymous with the phrase "Three Sheets to the Wind" (Dictionary Of American Slang, Wentworth/ Flexner)
A2) Unsteady from over-drinking, as a ship when its sheets are in the wind. The sail of a ship is fastened at one of the bottom corners by a rope called a Òtack;Ó the other corner is left more or less free as the rope called a ÒsheetÓ is disposed; if quite free, the sheet is said to be Òin the wind,Ó and the sail flaps and flutters without restraint. If all the three sails were so loosened, the ship would Òreel and stagger like a drunken man.Ó ÒCaptain Cuttle looking, candle in hand, at Bunsby more attentively, perceived that he was three sheets in the wind, or, in plain words, drunk.Ó- Dickens; Dombey and Son. ("The First Hypertext Edition of The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable", E. Cobham Brewer. © 1997-99 Ltd)
B) "It's a sailor's expression, from the days of sailing ships. The terminology of sailing ships is excessively complicated and every time I refer to it people write in to say I've got it wrong, usually contradicting each other. So treat what follows as a broad-brush treatment, open to dispute on fine points. We ignorant landlubbers might think that a sheet is a sail, but in traditional sailing-ship days, a sheet was actually a rope, particularly one attached to the bottom corner of a sail (it actually comes from an Old English term for the corner of a sail). The sheets were vital, since they trimmed the sail to the wind. If they ran loose, the sail would flutter about in the wind and the ship would wallow off its course out of control. Extend this idea to sailors on shore leave, staggering back to the ship after a good night on the town, well tanked up. The irregular and uncertain locomotion of these jolly tars must have reminded onlookers of the way a ship moved in which the sheets were loose. Perhaps one loose sheet might not have been enough to get the image across, so the speakers borrowed the idea of a three-masted sailing ship with three sheets loose, so the saying became three sheets in the wind. Our first written example comes from that recorder of low life, Pierce Egan, in his Real life in London of 1821. But it must surely be much older. The version you give, incidentally, is comparatively recent, since the older one (the only one given in the big Oxford English Dictionary) is three sheets in the wind. However, online searches show that your version is now about ten times as common as the one containing in, so it may be that some day soon it will be the only one around. The version with to seems to be gaining ground because so many people think a sheet is a sail" (Source: World Wide Words is copyright © Michael Quinion, 1996Ð2004. All rights reserved)
(2) Wasted adj.: Extremely inebriated, usually to the point of vomiting heavily and/or passing out. (The Online Slang Dictionary, Walter Rader)
(3) Matilda: An Australian folk anthem, written by poet Banjo Paterson, about a hobo (swagman) being arrested for stealing a sheep (jumbuk) and escaping by diving into a creek (billabong) where he drowns. It's so popular in Australia it's regarded as the unofficial national song. Around the time the song was written, a pack on someone's back was called a "Matilda". If you walked behind someone with a pack on his back for a long time, the pack moved up and down and appeared to "waltz"
(4) Blind/ blinded alley: 1. A Òcul de sac,Ó an alley with no outlet. It is blind because it has no ÒeyeÓ or passage through it. ("The First Hypertext Edition of The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable", E. Cobham Brewer. © 1997-99 Ltd) 2. [late 19C+] an unlicensed drinking house (cf. BLIND PIG) (Cassel's Dictionary of Slang. Jonathon Green 1998. Cassel & Co., 2000)
(5) Stacey's: Slang expression, born from Stacy Adams which is a fancy dress shoe. To buy your own Stacys check out this site. Also mentioned in Spare Parts 1, 1975: "So I combed back my Detroit, jacked up my pegs, I wiped my Stacy Adams and I jackknifed my legs."
Tom Waits (1976): "Stacey Adams once were a very prestigious shoe... if you had them on then nobody messed with you and you could go anywhere. Stacey's stayed ahead of current affairs and were considered extremely hip." (Source: "Tom Waits: Would You Say This Man Was Attempting To Convey An Impression Of Sordid Bohemianism" New Musical Express (UK), by Fred Dellar. Date: June 5, 1976)
(6) Bushmills: Bushmill's: Irish whiskey from the: "Old Bushmills Destillery" Ireland
(7) Christopher, St.: Catholic patron saint of travellers, or the religious medal dedicated to him. There are several legends about him including the one in which he was crossing a river when a child asked to be carried across. When Christopher put the child on his shoulders he found the child was unbelievably heavy. The child, according to the legend, was Christ carrying the weight of the whole world. His former holy day is July 25. The religious medal dedicated to this saint says: "Protect me" or "Protect us". So losing one's St. Christopher could mean, one feels unprotected. Later also mentioned in the Frank's Wild Years track of the same name
(8) One-armed-bandit, one-arm bandit : A slot machine. Because the operative lever of the machine resembles an arm, and because the odds on winning are fixed against the player (Dictionary Of American Slang, Wentworth/ Flexner ) Lyrics only refer to this expression
Canada: Need a valid passport, proof of who you are or other travel documents; need Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) if you're a terrorist (and are from these).
UK: Just need passport if you're American as apple pie and staying less than 6 months. More here. Their lame, official site was down when I wrote this.